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I Forge Iron

Hammers from an auction, What are they?

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Picked up these two hammers at auction. The guy had a lot of tools and blacksmithing stuff, but I don't have a clue what these are for.

The first is just a head, and one end is crazy long compared to the other, along with a wedge shape, that's going to make it super heavy on one end. It is drifted for a handle.

The second one has a roughly 1/2 semi circle groove made into the face. Looks like the previous owner peened the center area with a center punch for reasons unkown.


So... What'd I get, and what are they for?



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The one in your hand is a top swage which is often used with a similar shaped bottom swage which is placed in the hardy hole to make irregular bars round, often for tenons.  The top swage is struck with a hammer, not swung by itself. Alternatively, it can be used to make a D shape when placed on the face of the anvil. 

The 2d one with the offset hole for the handle is, in shape, known as a "dog's head."  I don't know what the blunt end would be used for.  Maybe breaking up lumps of something.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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