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How much is my 80lb Columbian Anvil worth?

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17158310748585545811753598182368.thumb.jpg.9ad6cbae8e121217d3ecf0975a6be396.jpgHow much is my 80lb Columbian Anvil worth?  I live in SW Okla and am curious what I've got here.  My research tells me this is an old Colombian and my scale tells me it's 80lbs or 36.2 kg.  I'll attach pics.  Any help appreciated.  



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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.

Assuming that your anvil has decent rebound. (drop a ball bearing on it and see how high it bounces. About 70% or more is good).  Also, tap at various places across the face to see if the ring is pretty consistent.  If you get a "thunk" it means the tool steel face has delaminated from the body.  Assuming that it passes these tests I would guesstimate that a fair market price in your area would be $3-4/pound.  Check Craig's List, ebay, and auction sites in your area to see what comparable anvils are going for.

There may be more available anvils in your area which may mean the prices are somewhat depressed than they are around here where anvils are scarcer.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Good morning,

Oklahoma and North Texas were a bit of an anvil desert when I was there, excepting farrier anvils, and columbians tend to go a little higher. I would think $4 to $5 might be more likely, even with the mild edge damage. But as above - local market price prevails and should be your basis.

Up here in the Pacific NW, apparently they're rarer then gold plated hens' teeth and worth their weight in diamonds, emeralds, and enthusiastic coeds. At one point I seriously considered funding moving my stuff from Georgia by loading up on $3-4 a lb anvils down there and reselling them here where the low end is usually around $8.

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I once had a friend who financed trips between Colorado and his in-laws in Texas by cutting varieties of firewood that grew in CO but not TX and filling up his pickup bed and selling it in TX and vice versa for the return trip.


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Welcome from the Ozark Mountains.

We won't remember your location once leaving this post, hence the suggestion to add it in your profile. In my area a Colombian in good condition would go for easily $5.00 a pound. They are very good anvils if the ring & rebound is good.

I can't control the wind, all I can do is adjust my sail’s.
Semper Paratus


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