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I Forge Iron

Anvil ID help

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Picked this up from a garage sale for 40$. Weighs about 60# with the horn missing, rebound is great. I have searched and searched for the makers mark online but have not found anything besides "Pirkenhammer" which made fancy porcelain dishes from 1960s +. If anyone has any info about the maker and/or approximate age I would be excited to learn more about it!anyone-have-any-info-on-this-anvil-v0-nqanyone-have-any-info-on-this-anvil-v0-rnanyone-have-any-info-on-this-anvil-v0-ppanyone-have-any-info-on-this-anvil-v0-92

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Welcome aboard Tyary, glad to have you. If you put your general location in the header you'll have a much better chance of meeting up with members living within visiting distance.

Sounds like you got a great deal on an anvil that looks like it's been through a war. It appears to have a trademark on it, I expect someone better at searching such things will be along before long. Or better yet, someone who knows what you have. 

The horn looks to have been broken or torched off quite a while ago and hammered on. The broken feet look pretty worn too, almost like it was rattling around in a rock truck or tumbled down a hill lots of times. 

I wish I could tell you something about it but I'd sure like to know it's story. 

Good score bye the way.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Welcome aboard from 7500' in SE Wyoming.  Glad to have you.  I second what Frosty said about putting your general location in your profile.  This is a world wide forum and we don't know if you are in Lapland, Tasmania, or Kansas.

About the only think I can tell you about your anvil is that it appears to be marked with the English system of hundred weights, quarter hundred weights, and pounds.  A hundred weight is 112 pounds.  So, your anvil originally weighed 3/4 of a hundredweight or 84 pounds.  The current 60 pounds plus the missing weight of the horn and other bits makes 60# sound about right.

Still usable though and a decent price for what you have.

Other anvil nerds may be able to give you more information.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand." 

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