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I Forge Iron

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Those are rather spiffy...what did you harden them in? I get about Rc 50 on mine using caustic soda (lye) brine.....I don't even temper them at that low a hardness...Never had one break...

Looks good...I really like the lines on the top one...



Thanks.I kinda like the top one better myself. The bottom one I just kinda went with the flow, no real plan..LOL..I just quenched in water.No temper.What formula do you use for your brine? If you dont mind me asking??



I simply use my bluing salts that are a satuate solution of sodium hydroxide (lye) and ammonium nitrate (ferltilzer). I use it hot (290 D F) and quench in that...

Like I said at that low a hardness I see no reason to draw any temper. They will never cut like a "solid" (>50 pt C) carbon steel will but at 50 Rc, they do hold an OK edge...at least for me they do...


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