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I Forge Iron

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Any one interested, I will be demonstrating at Ft. Ligonier this weekend as part of their 250th. Anniversary of the battle. They built a reconstructed frontier blacksmith shop that I will be doing simple things such as nails, on one of my hornless anvils.... I will also be available to talk about other iron stuff, such as the stuff I have making for them for the last few years.

Jymm Hoffman


Can you point out the smithy? I see it's outside the fort walls, is it visible from any of the virtual tour viewpoints?

Fort Ligonier: Virtual Tour

I have an unexplained fascination with how forts, small towns, farms, etc. are laid out and why.

I sure wish I could visit, I love that kind of stuff.



Unfortunately, it is not on their website. They are dreadfully behind in updating the website. The shop is outside the fort near a collection of buildings representing hospital buildings, smoke house etc. stuff they know was outside the fort, as well as the siege train that I have been working on. The virtual tour is only the "inner fort". There is an outer wall with a couple more batteries. I have done most of the hardware for the expansion project, including the fascine batter gates, and the buildings outside of the inner fort that is shown on the virtual tour.

Hoffman's Forge -



I was hoping it was visible from one of the wall viewpoints. Maybe you can convince them to upload a map of the area, maybe even with troop dispositions and movements. . . What AM I thinking? Glad to be able to see what I can.

Thanks Jymm, have fun.



I won't be able to make it, but I sure do wish you well.

I wish I had the time and the means to visit all of the F&I sites on their various 250th anniversaries. There's a lotta history in the East that people seem to have forgotten.

Come down to Loudoun in 2010. We'll be celibrating the anniversary of when the Cherokee sieged us out and burnt the Fort (not sure we're actully gonna burn the fort, though).

Have a good weekend,



Thanks Jymm.

When I have a chance I think I'll check Google Earth and see if there's a good satellite pic of the grounds.


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