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I Forge Iron

Pattern welded medieval knives

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Here is an article about 2 pattern welded medieval knives.  This is a semi-commercial web site where you can buy and download copies of academic articles but this is a free PDF.  I don't think this violates the rules but maybe nudges them a bit.  You would have to do some linking, I think, to get to the actual commercial part of the website.


"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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Knives & Scabbards, Museum of London; mentions 4 pattern welded blades with similar, (twisted and sawtooth), construction from 12-14th centuries.  Interesting that as it's use in swords had stopped earlier it's use as decoration in knives was still going on.

And for those not familiar with early iron/steel; phosphorus, now considered a BAD thing in steel; is a hardening element though it also makes steels/irons cold short.

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