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I Forge Iron

Hello from Oklahoma, USA


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Found this site by browsing AnvilFire, which I found by google. I appreciate the BP section! The work you people have put into that section is inspiring!

I made it to page 80 something before giving up and skipping to the last 3 pages of the "It followed me home post" but have read all of the BP pages and bookmarked several I want to try as soon as I get my tools and anvil made.

Speaking of an anvil... I found 2 large forklift forks Saturday at the local salvage yard for $150.00 The are about 4` to the bend and 3` to the top and are 5" wide x about 2.5" thick. I intend to cut them up and weld the pieces together, by the time I am finished I think it will be about 400# so-far I have cut one in 3 pieces... may have to go get a bigger torch tip :rolleyes: and another bottle of Ox

Currently I have a HF ASO which is ~55# and welded (can`t really hurt the thing since it is made of "Pig" iron anyway... and only cost about $15.00 new from HF) to a A frame built of I beam from a trailer house frame that followed me home after my dad bought a piece of land that needed cleared. This aso has the rebound of about .5-1.0% but doesn't bust up like a concrete floor, which has better rebound. :confused:

My forge... well I started with a WMO (Waste Motor Oil) forge I built after looking at MANY plans on the internet and after I had it working very well I find that here in and around the OKC area there is no source of free WMO as it is sold to companies which take it north to be used as home heating oil. So I have attempted to convert my WMO forge to a gasser... well a gasser seems to need a lot of refractory to generate enough heat to forge with so I have found a source for fire brick. (ACME Brick if anyone is interested in OKC area)

So any way enough of an intro I guess, I am very open to any suggestions and a quick learner but I may be more of a reader than a poster, have always been told it is better to listen than speak.

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI!
Cute growth on your back.;)
RUN, don't walk, to join the SCABA. It is the Oklahoma blacksmith's group. Saltfork Craftsmen is the link. A VERY active group with a meeting every weekend somewhere in the state. I am a member along with a bunch more from TEXAS.
You have found a never ending fountain of information here along with PICTURES!:) So kick your shoes off, get something to eat and drink, (you'll be here awhile) and enjoy! Once again, welcome.

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Teejay is in Blanchard and I am in Norman along with Korny. Theres more as well. Call if you need any help.
Mills 401-9739 (electronic leash) oh and Jim Carothers our illustrius prez will at my shop on Tuesday afternoon, if you can work that in.

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illustrius prez of the SCABA? If so can I just hand him the money to join?

I could make it after about 4:30 PM if you guys would still be around, would be coming from work unless you were going to be around later on so I could have time to go home and change to more suitable "work" clothing.

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