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Hello my name in Kris Moore and I am from a city just outside sacramento. I am very new to blacksmithing, but am very interested in the skill hopefully it will become a hobby i can become more adept at. Thank you all for the knowledge already learned from lurking here and I look forward to much more.
thank you


If you are interested in hands-on classes there are several providers in your area. Are you a member of the Cal. Blacksmith's Association? If not, you should be! Go to their site (www.calsmith.org) and get the membership forms and sign up. Lots of good resources, and lots of good instructors. The education committee chairman does classes in Sacramento, his name is John Crandall. PM me if you would like more contact info for him and I'll get you hooked up. Also, he can tell you who else in there area instructs and their contact info. I'm an instructor through CBA, but it's a pretty fair drive from Elk Grove to Klamath Falls!

Mike Limb


Mike thank you for the links I just returned from Walla Walla and drove right htrough Klamath Falls. I will look into joining as soon as I get home thank you again.

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