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I Forge Iron

Raising and Repoussé Oct 4, 2019

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Douglas Pryor Masterclass


We are Excited to welcome Douglas Pryor, renowned sculpting, raising and repoussé Artist, to the UK this October, who will be teaching a masterclass at 9 venues across the UK. (Exeter to be conformed.)

“Douglas Pryor is a raising and chasing artist using chisels to sculpt metal. With a particular focus in exploring and pushing the natural boundaries of what a single unbroken piece of material can create. Using recognizably traditional human powered techniques to revitalize the relationship homo-sapien has with raw materials. Traditions are only as healthy as the people who keep them alive, and that is the journey I want to share. I want to share the collective effort of breathing new life into these human metalworking techniques. “ 

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