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The interview really resonated with me as well.

When people ask me about how I go about selling my work, I tell them:
"I don't, I can't. I'm a lousy salesman so what I do instead is advocate it."

I have no ability to manipulate people into thinking they can't live without my work - they have to decide it's something they want on their own. I share my passion for the craft with them - I let them know what went into making it - the source of, and the transformation the materials went through ( I use only reclaimed materials), I share with them my intended function for each piece but that the joy of ownership lies with them and how they connect to the work and what they want it to represent.

Thanks for posting the interview. What a remarkable and fun fellow!


I just about died laughing when he said he assigned meaning to the colors so they would sell better to Americans.

I see many variations of that technique at renfairs and pagan gatherings and it works.



I really like his "selling to a Magpie" approach!

The sculptor I work for has a favorite quote: " No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public"
So sad . . . so true . . .

  • 1 month later...

Hi Solvarr,
It's Aeneas (Sam), I took your Forge Welding class last week at Copper's Lake (Pennsic). I'm glad I found you and this forum (thanks for the tip).
I really enjoyed that article you posted - some definite words of wisdom there about what it takes to be a craftsman and market yourself.
Personally, I completely suck at selling. Everything I've ever made I've given away. I've always looked at it as, "If what I create makes someone happy, then that's good enough for me." Good thing I'm only a hobby blacksmith. I'd soon starve with that kind of philosophy.
Look forward to talking with you soon.


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