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I Forge Iron

Hello from east Alabama...


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I've been lurking for a while and finally decided to join...hello!

I've been making jewelry since 2008 and have recently branched out into more useful, practical items such as ant moats (for hummingbird feeders), bird seed feeders, small boxes, etc. This has led to sand casting, which ultimately revealed that my current torch setup that has served me well for years (propane/air...Orca torch, aka EZ torch/whale torch/copperhead torch) is GROSSLY inadequate for the job.

As a set of cylinders, gauges, and a new torch is not in my budget right now and most of what I'd like to cast is small (5 - 6oz or less), it's time to start looking at a small melting furnace...which has led me here.

Just to be clear, I have successfully cast precisely TWO items (using Petrobond)...a ring and a screw bit (the two smallest, least complex shapes I could find laying around), so I'm basically at ground zero as far as melting/casting goes.

Looking forward to learning and, one day, being able to give back.

Now I'm off to ask a few questions about Frosty's T-burner that I've read so much about! :)

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Welcome to IFI. I am sure some one will refer you to one of the casting sites but I have not found many other forum to be as generaly friendly and well run. Jerry has a PDF floating around here some where (I think it is pine dinnthengas forge section) and their are two prety active threads on on gas forges and on on gas burners.

less we forget, charcoal has a long history as well  

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Welcome, Tuck58. If you get the chance come and visit the Athens Forge, a member of the Alabama Forge Council. Our next meeting is Sat. Nov. 24. You can find more info at our website athensforge.com, or on FB at Athens Forge, or seen our last meeting on YouTube, Search for Athens Forge. A local forge group is always a good place to find tools and equipment. Al

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