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vice layout

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I've moved my shop and am now in the process of setting up my leg vice. The most common (and only!) position I have seen for a leg vice is to have it mounted so that the screw faces the smith and the jaws are perpendicular to the smith. This is something of a no-brainer especially if your vice is mounted to a bench or a forge. However, after some thought on the topic, I don't think this is the best way. Currently, I intend to mount my vice so that as I approach it the screw is to my left (I'm right handed) and I am facing parallel to it's jaws. I think this may be better because much of the time I work from the side of the vice - twisting bars, bending iron over the it's jaws, etc. The only time I seem to work from the front of the vice is when I'm doing chisel work. I would like your thoughts on the subject. Have you given this any thouht? And what works best for you?


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I've seen post vises mounted in two basic ways, usually on the side or end of a bench, forge table, floor to ceiling post, usually structural, etc. These limit access to one or two directions.

The other main way is to a post set in the ground with access from all directions.

I've seen only one post vise mounted with the screw parallel to a table with only the handle clearing it. I was pretty unimpressed with this set up but the smith who used it liked it so it was a good mount.

Thinking about these things in advance is a good idea but don't do what so many do and get so hung up on the perfect (whatever) you don't actually do it before it's too late. (speaking from experience here:o)


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Standing in front of the forge(s) this pic is to my left. Notice the jaws will allow stock to run out to the left over the top of the filing cabinet allowing the center twist of a piece of 1/2" square that is over 6 feet long. Works well for me.


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Thank you everyone for your input. Frosty, I agree with you! I plan on setting my vice up hopefully this Sunday. It'll stand alone on a maple stump about two steps behind me - just far enough back that I don't walk into it while attending to my forge. I think I will set it up sideways for now, like I originally planned, and give that a try. Because it'll be out in the open, I'll be able to get to it from any angle. I can always move things around later if I don't like that setup. - Tom

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I plan on mounting one to the bench/table (whatever I build) and the other on a 2" sq. socket so I can put it wherever I need it in the shop.

My shop floor has 2" receiver tubing sockets set flush with the surface on a 4' grid throughout the shop.


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