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I Forge Iron

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Just got it today...Its a 10 LB Vulcan. This is the smallest Vulcan I have ever seen. Has anyone seen another like it, or a 5 lber?



Where in the world did you find THAT! I though the 30 pounder was the smallest Vulcan! I got a hundred pounder and unbelievably it has perfect edges. Gonna use it for a demo anvil (one of these days...:) ).


I have an 1828 William Foster with a broken heel and missing most of the face; of course I only paid US$5 for it and the wrought iron an small piece of 1828 shear steel was worth it to me...I always wanted to try refacing it the old way. Need to get a conference that would like to help try that out! (Postman advised me to forgeweld the new face onto a WI plate and then do a WI to WI forgeweld as WF used a fairly low grade of WI.)


Paid $20 for mine...If I get enough together, or just another one, I was going to make a double or quad horned for kicks


I once paid US$40 for an anvil with a missing heel but very nice flat face and usable horn. It's the anvil I leavy out chained to the stump with my outdoors coal forge. Less likely to go walking and very usable. I also use it as my "loaner anvil" for students to borrow while hunting their own at a decent price.

Great idea about making a 4 way anvil; but I'd stop at 3way to still have a good place to work on the full face.

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