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I Forge Iron

New, out of the box, rookie

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Hello all! I learned about this site from 'The Tigris Tinker' on Etsy. He kindly referred me here, and I'm excited to get to learning. I feel like a fish out of water at this point with the amount of learning I need to be halfway competent here, but I'm gonna give it my best and see what comes of it! I plan on reading (a lot!), being quiet and listening, along with a few hammer strikes here and there, hopefully! I haven't yet built my forge, as I'm waiting on money to come thru, but soon I'll be a real boy with my very own forge!! I'm hoping to build my own tools, because I don't have a lot of money, but have no clue where to start.. What tools do I need in order to build the tools I need.. Etc. I just figure I'll make do as it comes up. Like I heard Alec Steele say "need a tool: make a tool". 


Anyway, thank you for your time, and putting a site like this together so people like myself can learn!

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Welcome to IFI! If you haven't yet, please READ THIS FIRST!

As for starting out on the cheap, remember that you need the four "H"s: something to Heat the metal, something to Hold the metal, something to Hit the metal on, and something to Hit the metal with. You can make a JABOD forge for practically nothing, you can use any number of things as an improvised anvil, and almost any hammer can be modified to be decent for forging. If you're going to spend a couple of extra bucks on anything, get some decent tongs.

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