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I Forge Iron

hay budden anvil date

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This Anvil for as long as i can remember sat in the corner of my father in laws body shop .

It was there when he took it over from previous owner .

there is some edge damage and the horn and shelf have some damage .

nearly cried when i seen the feet drilled for lag bolts to mount it 

still has lots of ring and rebound and i am in the process of cleaning it up, and making a new base for it.








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Welcome Joe, a very nice looking HB you have, with what looks like minor damage from just honest work. Hope you have read about the dangers of ruining an anvil by welding or grinding on the face. A cup wire wheel on an angle grinder will clean it up just fine and hot steel hammered will polish up the face. I wouldn't worry over the drilled feet, I've seen many like that and it doesn't hurt the usefulness or value.

BTW: if you will edit your profile to show your location, you may be surprised how many members are near you and some answers are location dependent.

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Great anvil Joe.  If you search the forum you'll see that many search for a decent anvil for a long time and end up having to pay hundreds of dollars for them.  It sounds like you got yours for free and the "damage" you site isn't really anything to be concerned about.  Horns of anvils were hammered dull on the point so that blacksmiths weren't constantly getting poked by the sharp point as they moved around the anvil working.  The shelf more times than not has heavy use because, well, better to mark up the shelf than the face.  Your shelf is in better shape than mine.  Like others have said, don't take an angle grinder to it or have the face squared up and flattened.  This takes years of life and hard steel off the face.  Just use it as it is and look at the dings and things to the edges as testimony of good use by many blacksmiths that have been the caretaker before you.  You are just the latest caretaker of it and will pass it on to another blacksmith someday.  Clean her up with a wire wheel on an angle grinder, some soap & water after that, and then coat her with rust preventative like clean motor oil or boiled linseed oil, then get working hot metal on her.  You scored a great anvil there.

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