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I Forge Iron

My first major comission

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I just got and started my first comission. It's for my Synagogue, we're funraising for our former Rabbi who got injured, and has to retire. My part of the job is to design and fabricate 30 steel table decorations, which can be sold afterwards. Basically what I've come up with is a Hamsa, the Rabbi's favorite symbol (it's good luck for both jews and muslims, which is a nice symbolism) made out of quarter inch hexagonal stock, on a spiral base. It's gonna have an eye in the middle, and a forged fish in each of the two thumbs (fish are symbolic for both jews and christians, which is also nice). I've made one already, and yesterday made scrolling hardies for the different pieces which will be welded together.

For the Rabbi's table, I'm doing a larger one out of hexagonal brass, with lots of ornate scrolling in it, with the eye and fishes, and also 2 long birds inspired by Uri Hofi's work.

Merry Being,

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