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So if there is anyone in the Blacksmith Association of Missouri maybe you can help me out. I sent an application and a check out to Bruce Herzog as per the application instructions on March 7, and haven't had any response back yet. I was not a member of ABANA at the time so I went ahead and sent membership fees and application there as well, they have sent me documentation along with a membership number. I don't know if membership in one organization has bearing on the other, but I would love to get in contact with local smiths.

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Arkham, they are not reliant on each other. Bruce normally sends you a newsletter once he has processed your application. You're probably in. 

Arkham, they are not reliant on each other. Bruce normally sends you a newsletter once he has processed your application. You're probably in.  Go to the BAM webpage and join the yahoo group. That will allow you to communicate with everyone faster

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