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I Forge Iron

Greetings SE Michigan and looking for information


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Hi all,

I live in SE Michigan area and I am interested in learning black smithing/knife making to do as a hobby and on weekends.   I see there is a company called Tillers international that offers a blacksmithing class in Scotts Michigan about a 3 hour drive from me, but the earliest opening they have is over a month and a half away.   I have no prior experience so I would be starting from ground zero.  My question is does anyone know somewhere that might have a class sooner and or closer.   I am not worried about the drive but if it was closer I wouldn't complain.  I also would really like a weekend option to avoid having to take vacation to learn, but willing to for the right opportunity.  I found online that there is a NW Ohio Blacksmiths group that meets around the Toledo area and have sent off an email to see if they know of any beginners classes in their area.   But I came across your forums on my google questing and figured this looks like another avenue for information.

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Thank you for the link,  I have been to their page in my googling, but I will delve a little deeper...Mostly skimmed previously due to the word artistic in the title I am looking probably more practical uses then art.  I did see that the NWOhio group is having an open forge event this weekend so I am planning on heading down there to get my feet wet so to speak.

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8 minutes ago, ThomasPowers said:

Don't let the name fool you; it's for all sorts of blacksmiths.  It's just the National Organization used Artist in it's title so many affiliates use it to show they are linked to ABANA (helps to differentiate us from Farriers too...)

That is good to know....see really green behind the gills on this.

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