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I Forge Iron

Not only new to the forum, but new to Smithing as well

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I've always enjoyed working with my hands and making/fixing stuff, so I think that smithing was just a natural progression for me. 

Decided to build a forge. It is based on the mini Whitlox, but I tend to burn bituminous coal (though I might try lump charcoal). I had the steel sitting around, but I had to buy the firebrick and wool:



I move the air with a 1930 Buffalo Forge blower with original Rheostat. 


I have a dozen or so rail spikes sitting around, so I figured I'd use them for practice. 


After some more hammering/filing/grinding: 


Then I tried my hand at knife shaping, and twisting metal: 


And this weekend I tried making a Brian Brazeal style horsehead bottle opener: 



Glad to have found this place, and I look forward to seeing y'alls work and hopefully learning a thing or two. 

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Welcome aboard, Justin! Looks like you're off to a good start. Take some time to read as much of the forum archives as you can, making sure to read the pinned posts at the top of each section. Pay especial attention to the information on safety and basic technique, and you'll do fine. Keep it up!

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  • 3 months later...


Sorry I didn't see this until just now- 

I see you're in Frederick- That's pretty convenient, Starting in August I'll be living in Thurmont again after my year in italy. 

Keep in touch, ifyou'd like. Great to see other smiths in the area! 




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