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I Forge Iron

hello from Alberta Canada


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Hey how's it going my names Taylor and I'm a journeyman welder as well as level 2 weld inspector. Recently bought a farm north of Edmonton Alberta. Turn out my neighbour was a farrier and since retiring has gotten into making blades and such and has got me addicted to a new hobby. So here I am lol just wanted to say hi to everyone

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Good Morning,

Welcome!!!  Yes we all start with some sort of Blade, soon you will be over that. Start with the basics, LEARN how to Forge, First, before you make your First trash pile. To play Baseball, 1st base, 2nd base, 3rd base, Home plate. Some kids start with 3rd base. Same here, start slow, you aren't setting the world on fire. Make simple things, boring things, like NICE hooks and shapes. I mean, make NICE things!! then progress to whatever. If you start with blades instead of Tools, you will be handicapped. Learning to make nice Tools will stand you a world apart, when you make your Blades.

just my $.02


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