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I Forge Iron

hello from WV


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Thanks for the warm welcomes all.

I'm a 34yr old, West (by gawd) Virginian, originally from tyler county wv, but living in wood county wv.
I'm a union boilermaker out of local 667, located in winfield wv.
I've been boilermaking since 1996, work is seasonal so it gives me a lot of time to do other things.
As for smithing, I'm new to the craft/trade and trying to get started.. so expect lots of questions. :)


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey CF,

I'm in the next county down from ya! The ABA Spring and Fall Conference are both held here at Cedar Lakes. Look me up if you make it to one! Good to see another smith so close by. Working on getting my shop in order, it's small but pretty full of stuff for a newbie like myself. You're Welcome to stop by anytime.

aaron c.

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Hey CF,

I'm in the next county down from ya! The ABA Spring and Fall Conference are both held here at Cedar Lakes. Look me up if you make it to one! Good to see another smith so close by. Working on getting my shop in order, it's small but pretty full of stuff for a newbie like myself. You're Welcome to stop by anytime.

aaron c.

Thanks for the invite Aaron.
I plan on trying to make it to the spring conference, if I'm not back to work by then.. I too have been trying to get a shop in order up in tyler county, I'm setting up in an old building that was build c. 1950, and I think its been accumulating clutter since then too. I'll be taking you up on your offer to stop by also.. I need a few pointers :)

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