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I Forge Iron

Japanese inspired Santoku with first hamon


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Completed my fourth knife tonight. Its 40 layers, but the pattern is quite large and doesn't show all of the layers. I am still a newb, so don't know exactly why that happened, but it still came out kind of cool. I was trying for a Japanese inspired Santoku, but in the hand hand it feels more like a small clever. I think it is to thick to have that chef knife feel. I did manage to get a hamon on it, but it is stronger on one side than the other. All in all, I see some improvements, but then with the pattern welding, I feel like I may have taken a step backwards. Oh well...always learning....10886_926852660728292_5227961335441520471173603_926852590728299_8748863843177658 on to the next.

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