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I Forge Iron

I Love H13

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Habu 20 three foot long schedule 80 1.5" diameter pipes, a rope, and open the tailgate and drive out from under it... a bunch of 1' sections of 4x4s in the proposed fall area, and a high lift farm jack... a come-along and a tow strap... If you only have a 3" pad, or a dirt floor don't try this at home;-)

Oh and I suspect you can push the hardness on H13 with an interrupted oil quench like is sometimes suggested for maximium hardness on S7...

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Hello I am new to the Forum. I have enjoyed viewing the site for a long time, but I figured it might be worth mentioning some different Tool Steels which I have had an opportunity to work with.
in My department we have used lots of H13 for our forging dies and it is a good material but I have found that W360 from Bohler Uddeholm is absolutely amazing. it has a higher toughness and strength than any H13 but also reaches about 58HRC. my normal production runs with H13 would enable me to forge approximately 8000pc. before the tool needs to be reworked by my Tool and Die crew whereas the W360 will run well over 60,000pc. for the exact same tool. absolutely nothing comes even close. another good steel is YXR3 & YXR33 from Hitachi metal. they are expensive metals but when I design a die that is going to be exposed to high tonnage, High workpiece temperatures and high die temperatures this is what we use. the stuff is indestructable.
sorry for the long winded comment, forgive me I'm just the new guy!

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Thank you ApprenticeMan. The W360 comes in round stock up to at least 200mm in OD, Sorry I:rolleyes: use the metric system all of the time. The YXR3 also comes in that large an OD but I know you can get as small as 40mm diameter. All of the forging tools I use are in between those diameters but you could probably get smaller. It is expensive material but great hot and cold work steel.

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