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I Forge Iron

Tire Hammer Anvil Construction

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I came across this picture online of a tire hammer build - It appears that the middle section of the anvil is a steel box with 2 pipe plugs in the sides.

Looking for an opinion on this - why couldn't you make a tank and fill it with a liquid to gain anvil weight?

Picture is pasted on a doc - I can't for the life of me find the original link - sorry.....


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You can but it's pretty useless just adding weight. It has to be solidly coupled weight, even welded isn't as good as a single piece. The compression wave of impact needs a clear single path to provide the rebound necessary to hit back from the anvil side. And yes, dove tailed or bolted dies absorb impact energy and would be much more efficient if it was all a single piece. It's just a real PITA casting a heavy sow with the high carbon steel die in place and it wouldn't be changeable.

Compromise is a fact of life, just don't make bad ones if you can help it.

Frosty The Lucky.

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