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I Forge Iron

Its official.. forged a knife


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Pretty stoked. I spent about 12 hours with this mill file knife ????. I made the forge the Tuesday night out of a coffee can, plaster of paris, sand and a T8250 swirl tip with map gas. Its the first time ive ever forged a blade and i did all grinding and sanding by hand and without stones. The edge impressed the xxxx out of me. With stones im sure ill be shaving. Finished it with a vinegar/salt acid etch, and an ostrich leather belt. Even made the shealth with it. Called it Vulture, looked like one so what the xxxx. All criticism is constructive to me, please feel free to comment. Thanks for looking.


JC Krusen -JKIV












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congradulations!  Now the bug has bit!  Save this one so in a few years you can get it out and measure how far youve come!  Neg's right, a simple wood or even a good cord wrap would go miles to improve the over-all looks.

BTW, I like the thought of using the safety cones, try to keep lookers safe...

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Beats the snot outa my first knife!
I'm worried about that handle; in my opinion you should switch it out for a sturdy wooden one. 
Do you need to keep your forge setup mobile? I recommend finding a spot you can settle into and get properly grounded; make sure your forge can't roll off the table, and maybe swap out that table for something solid (stumps are awesome!) ... just make sure to give yourself more space - who's liable if you damage that car?
An anvil is a handy tool, and there are many hunks of metal that can serve as one too, save that handy vise if you can.

All in all, well done, I hope it gets used.

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