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I Forge Iron

Help picking an anvil!

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I found this listing on craiglist link removed per site guidelines and was wondering if i could get some help picking one. I am brand new to blacksmithing. I have done some research on brands size and weight. Should i do the hammer test and noise test? Should i get an anvil that is full cast iron or high quality scrap metal forged anvil.Has anyone here dealt  with Peter Wrights, Fishers,Star,Paragon anvils. How will i know they're authentic? Do i look for stampings and numbers? I will be doing medium to heavy black smithing. I plan to make all kinds of different stuff from tools, artwork, knives ect ect.

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I would go with the Fisher or the Paragon. If you think you will do heavy work get a heavy anvil. Peter Wright's are very popular good anvils but IMHO the top plates are too hard and tend to break more often than other anvils. The Star could possibly be a very good anvil, similar to the Fisher in performance. Seeing as they are all the same price per pound, buying one in the best condition is a good idea. Not sure about the noise test, the Fisher and the Star will not ring, the Wrights and Paragon will ring like bells. If you like loud noises go with the Paragon. Definitely do the rebound test and the dry sand test and beware of painted anvils, remember, like women, putty and paint make them look like what they ain't. 

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