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I Forge Iron

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Welcome aboard, glad to have you. There's nothing like scaring the crap out of yourself to make you speak up about safety issues. I'm a  big proponent of knowing what the plane of rotation is and keeping OUT of it. Arftist is with us today or at least uninjured because he was out of the plane of rotation. We can get a little stringent about safety but I don't think any of us have so many friends we can afford to lose one if a little shouting can prevent it.


Good scores all round. I'm a HUGE fan of cast steel Swedish anvils, I love my 125lb. Soderfors and that Kolhswa is in the same league quality wise. The anvil on the vise isn't for anything like serious forging, it's intended as a sales gimic as much as anything. They're suitable more for straightening light stock or light duty work.


Punching leather on a forgiving surface will keep your punches in shape. I don't recommend lead, it's a bit too toxic long term, wood is good or even aluminum works fine. a piece of an old plastic cutting board is an excellent punch backer I have a couple old "dead" plastic cutting boards in my shop, you just never know when one will come in handy.


Frosty The Lucky.

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