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I Forge Iron

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Well... it was over 5 months worth of work and countless hours researching and sketching out ideas, and finally I have finished my first TRUE hand forged REAL and fully functional sword!...

The overall design of this sword is a design that I have been working on and thinking up in my head for a good long time, with inspirations taken off of both modern stylistic shapes and traditional historic sword styles.

The blade was fully forged from high carbon leaf spring. The guard pommel & fittings were made from 100 year old iron off of an old farming wagon. And the wood for the handle and sheath is cherry with a tungoil finish for protection.

The carvings were inspired from a mix of J.R.R. Tolkien






as i'll go ahead and update you guys on some of ourt most recent projects.

- a viking seax which is almost finished which is make of 1085. maple handle and sheath, decorative handle work ect...
-another larger seax which is far more precise in it's making, annealed many times, hardened, and tempered to perfection ;) this has just been forged/ground, and will soon be completed.
- a hunting knife for skinning, field dressing game. a small (25") leafblade with fuller and damascus guard.
- we have begun the downhill slide of patternwelding. we have made several practice billets out of mild/L6 and it's worked wonderfully, the only problem with mild is as soon as you try to forge it it breaks all the welds, so for now we are just practicing with it until we can get some better steel.
- new gas forge.
- new 500+ pound Peter Wright anvil (havn't wieghed, or looked at numbers yet. all i know is it took four big guys to get it in the truck.
- belt grinder is finished, hogs metal like a champ. it rips right through anything you give it.
- finished a few smaller knives for a reniassance fair actor.
- working on building up some stock peices to put on the web-site. Will update very soon :)

i think thats about all for now.



Thank you! we've been constructing for about 2 years now. although there was about 4 months of reading and looking outside at the snow for a while before we started.

But God has blessed us soooo much. We always say God owns our shop because all told we havn't spent more than $300 on the shop and we have EVERYTHING we need. We keep looking back at were we were two years ago, and then realising how far we've come, and then looking two years ahead and hoping and praying that our hobby can help us in our future.

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