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I Forge Iron



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Hello all.....glad to meet you all. Looks like the place to be if your blacksmithing. I have a friend that does a little blacksmithing and I caught the bug or disease, not sure which yet. Ive hammered a little but waiting for my own eqiupment before I jump in to deep. I just joined a local club and Im just starting out and still buying equipment. Just bought a 100lb beaudry which have it apart now repainting it. Been looking for deals as I find them. I still have not got a forge. Not sure if I should make one or hold out for an old antique which Id prefer. Got a few hammers and a 380lb peter wright anvil.  Getting ready to set up shop after I make some room........Anyway you will be seeing me here and there asking dumb questions

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Welcome aboard Shane, glad to have you. I'm afraid a 100lb Beaudry and a 380lb. Peter Wright are just not good for someone just getting involved to expose themselves to. Oh no you should immediately divest yourself of these dangerously addictive objects and start picking up tools in the traditional manner. Hunt, sometimes for years before you find a proper 100lb. beginner's anvil. Only in this way can we even begin to consider you a true devotee of the blacksmith's craft.


To maintain yourself in good standing with the brotherhood of blacksmiths you need to find somewhere safe to hide those pieces of equipment. I will, at no extra cost to you, store them out of sight in a secluded back corner of my shop where no unsuspecting person can accidentally subject themselves to their evil charms. I shudder to think of how close a call you've already encountered, save yourself! I'll send you my address in a PM.


When you're eyes stop rolling please be advised we LOVE pics, shop, tools, projects, works in progress, scenery, kids, dogs, cats, food. No joke, we LOVE pics.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Looool well I bought it all and more from same guy getting out of the busniess and had to drive 15 hours to get it. My poor Chevy was tired when I got home. I figured around 3500lb or more in the bed. Ive had the bug a couple months and playing around with it, doing research and learning what to buy and not to buy, and now getting serious after getting some equipment.  The hammer was bearly used but anvil is well used and could use some repairing. Been checking out how to stick weld to repair or I may wire wheel it and use it who knows. I will start another thread and hope to get some pics on here.

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