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I Forge Iron

I Guess It's About Time...

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Hey all. My name is Broomhead and I am an aspiring knifemaker, bladesmith, and blacksmith. I have always had a thing for edged weapons/tools and so I decided I wanted to start making them. Blacksmithing has always intrigued me, something about making useful things from scrap, plus it goes hand-in-hand with bladesmithing. I'm 33 and live in Nashville, TN. I'm a Professional Dad with three daughters, 1, 3, and 9. You'd think being home all the time would give me ample time for smithing, but alas that is never the case. There always seems to be something else that has to take precedence.


My favorite edged weapons are tomahawks, of which I have made two, one from an Estwing brick hammer and the other from a piece of RR clip (both need a handles). I have completed two stock-removal knives, ruined three of them, forged three RR spike knives and a kiridashi from an old Nicholson file, which still needs to be heat treated.


Right now I'm trying to be a sponge and absorb as much info as possible, learning whatever I can. I have plans to start making small items like bottle openers and such to get practice and have something to show for it. I look forward to learning from this great wealth of knowledge that is IFI and its members.

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What's the story behind your web handle? If it's none of my business, no need to answer, I'm just curious.


Reading is hugely helpful but building a fire and taking a  lash at it is what really tells. I know what you mean by always having life interrupt, we have 5 dogs and one guest dog at the moment so even though I'm retired there's always a dog wanting to go out and messes to pick up if I'm not paying attention. Three daughters has to be a LOT more work. Worth it though.


Don't forget the pics, especially if your daughters take a shot at smithing. The lady smiths I know are outstanding practitioners of the craft.


Frosty The Lucky.

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My web handle is my last name, friends use it as a nickname. I use the same name on all the forums I'm a member of.


I need to take some pics of my work, I'll get on it an throw them up on here soon. I may even get my daughters to model them, lol.


Thanks for the welcome.

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Gee. . . thanks! The least you could've done was invent a good story. I suppose we could share stories about getting teased as kids but I'm thinking mine would pale in comparison.


Good to meet you. I sponge all the time, I read most everything but not so much in the blade sections, I'm not a bladesmith guy. I can do the dance I'm just not into the tune.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Sorry, no stories. People have always came up with variations, though, and I thought I'd heard them all...until one guy called me Swiffer. My brothers got the teasing a lot worse than I did. I was a big kid so that usually stopped most of it, but there was always the idiot that had to push it...


You do get around the forum, don't you? I see your posts all the time and learn something with almost every one. Thank you. 10k posts...Wow, lol.


Here's my first stock-removal knife.



My 2nd completed knife, it was a Christmas gift for my dad.



A couple hawks I made just playing with some spare claw hammer heads.



The "Estwing" hawk.



My 1st spike knife, it was a collaboration with my dad and the first thing we ever forged.




What happened to a rasp knife when I thought it hadn't hardened in oil...so I quenched it in cold water.


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