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I Forge Iron

my first large bearded axe

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well, now i've made a larger  version of the one i made on the seminar, i actually started on this one a few weeks back, i just never got the proper equipment and knowledge to finish it until now, i kinda messed up and forgot to flatten one edge of it, it's quite uneven, it was a cutoff from the shipyard, maybe i'll make another one later when im better at forge welding, then i could make the eye pretty good, and perhaps make the blade larger, but im happy with the design as it is, as with my  (failed) >seax, it is not to be sharpened, it is for use in the viking group, if anyone has any tips on axe making, i'll gladly accept them and do my best in learning from them


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i have, i find the Dane axe to be too heavy if i'm to use it in the group, i think the edge has to be at least 6mm to be safe to use there, that is too heavy for me to use one handed, they do have another design that i'm not entirely sure what is called, but it looks something like the Mammen axe, this is more like a bearded axe, i'm fairly sure they used them a lot, maybe the blade could be a bit wider, and the designs were as many as the blacksmiths, but i was going for speed and agility when i was making it, maybe i'll make another one when i get stronger, i'll definitely put more steel in that one

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The designs were as many as the blacksmiths but NONE of them looked like that.


If your group has arbitrary rules you have to meet; that's well and good; but don't call something that isn't by what it should be---you confuse people who think that you must know about the physical culture of the time period.


Frankly I think it's a smashing fantasy axe; just not a viking, saxon, lombard, etc,...


I've been in medieval recreation for over 30 years now and served 3 terms as president of a living history group and believe it's important to not mislead people.  Call it a fantasy axe and be proud of it!


BTW Stone's glossary has some interesting axes in it.

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allright, will do, my apologies for the misunderstanding, it is more of an fantasy axe when i think more about it, i'll choose my words with more carefulness in the future, like i mentioned earlier, i probably won't be using that one for long, i intend on making another axe in the future, that one will probably be a dane axe, i've heard those were the most effective one's 

im not sure if there are any arbitrary rules, i should check on that soon, it's still a good while until i can join, the group is in a different town and im joining as soon as i get my driving licence

i'll look into this Stone's glossary you mentioned, thanks for the tip

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  • 1 month later...

either just decorative or maybe i'll rivet the head onto it, but if im going to be doing that, i'll also put an edge in it as well, i've decided on making another axe for re-enactment, maybe something heavier and actually resembles an axe that the vikings used, i have some connections to the re-enactment group, and some relatives that are in blacksmithing, so i think i'll do just fine

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