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I Forge Iron

newbie needs advice


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hello everyone, i need advice on a "forge"  i am thinking of purchasing.  not sure who makes it, but it looks like a champion lever forge.  the belt is missing, appears to have been reuilt, cleaned up, etc.  im curious of the value.  i dont want to pay too much, he is asking 200$  

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Depends on you, your ability to fabricate, weld, bank account and if you are going to need an anvil, vise & other tools.


Here's a link to my setup.  I would like to make a side draft hood for it in the future vs. always making sure I'm upwind.  It would also shield sunlight as I use it outdoors.  Other than that it works great, plenty of room to heat something long like a rockbar.  I would suggest getting the largest brake drum you can and line it which helps with fuel efficiency.


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If you can you'd want to get the 2" pipes as drops from an irrigation company that would save you money vs. plumbing supply.  I probably have $30 or less invested in my forge.  The angle iron was scrap from a demolished fire pit that I got for free.  Ugly yes, working great and does most of what I need.

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A forge is one of the easiest of smithing tools to build and often one of the most overpriced on the antique market.  Is this a small round rivet forge?  If so probably not the best type for general forging though OK for light work.  Seems overpriced to me

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