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I Forge Iron

Mousehole Anvil value

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Hey all, my sister has been keeping her eyes peeled for an anvil for me and she emailed me these pics today of an (owner described) 1835 approximately 110lb Mousehole. I am hoping for some better pics of the surface tomorrow but based on these pics any idea of value? Any info you can give me would be appreciated! Thanks!



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With that long, LONG horn with cutting table, and long heel with both hardy hole and pritchel hole, it is closer to 1905 than 1835.


Call it $1 to $3 per pound depending on location and condition, no premium for age or collectors value. Any higher than that is dealer/reseller gouging, or flea-bay price envy from a garage sale/craigslist item.


There is a book on Mousehole Forge, and if you can get the markings on the side, it may be able to get a better date on the anvil.

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Value depends a lot on what Country you are in; shoot even in the USA it can vary by over US$1 a pound depending on where in the USA it is.


This is why we ask folks to put their general location in their profile as *many* blacksmithing questions have a location component in them.


As for that anvil I am a little concerned that the face to cutting table drop is quite shallow---could be just how the picture was taken; but it's a bad sign in a traditionally made anvil as it generally indicates that some yahoo has ground or milled the face down throwing away decades of it's use life for un-needed flatness.

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  • 7 years later...

Do you want that in Euros, pounds or pesos?  Value depends quite a bit on LOCATION and CONDITION which have not been supplied.  World Wide Web; so anvils are cheaper in the UK and more expensive in Australia; even in the USA prices can differ depending on if you are on the coast or in the hinterlands or out in the desert South West.

I recently sold a Peter Wright, stamped 2  0  24 (== 248 pounds) for US$1000---about 4 US dollars a pound, a bit low for New Mexico, USA; but it had wear consistent with heavy use in the mines and it was a new smith wanting a medium sized anvil and it paid off my hoard buying loan; so I'm happy.   If it had been mint I would have gone $5 or $6.  (I had a lot of calls on it asking if the price was firm; I told them, "No I'd be happy to increase it by a dollar!", all the flippers were not happy with that answer...)

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