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I Forge Iron

Southern California Instructors/Apprenticeships?

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I don't know anyone who will take on an apprentice but have you checked out Adam's Forge.  It is a blacksmith school and they have lots of different classes.  Besides learning during the classes, you will come in contact with others who are willing to share their knowledge.  Your connections there should lead to many different paths for you.  Good luck  

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Yes sir I have.


I apologize for not giving enough information in my first post.


I am a member of CBA, and I have researched just about every blacksmithing class within a 2 hour distance from where I live.


Adam's forge, while no doubt a great to deal to some, would not be very great for me considering the far drive and the cost. Right now I am set to attend Saturday classes at two blacksmithing guilds within an hour drive of my area.

Like I said though, they're saturday only classes. I am trying to find an instructor that would be willing to teach me the craft more than once a week.

Learning every saturday would not be so bad if I had a smithy to practice on during the week, but unfortunately I do not, though I am in the process of looking for blacksmithing tools.

I suppose I could just ask around at the blacksmith guilds I am set to attend lol, I would probably get better leads, but I didn't see any harm in posting here in the mean time.

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Nohone:  You didn't mention what area you live in.  Southern Calif. covers a very large area.  I also live in an area without a working blacksmith to intern or apprentice with.  I found it necessary to just gather tools, anvil, forge, etc so I could work on my projects.  It's slow progress but you will learn by doing.  Good luck.  

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