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I Forge Iron

coal forge hood?

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hi - long time lurker, first time poster here...

i have an outdoor coal forge and want to construct a side draft hood to keep the smoke from getting into my face all the time. i'm looking at the plans on anvilfire, all of which seem to be for indoor forges utilizing a chimney that extends out beyond the roof.

link removed at the request of anvilfire

link removed at the request of anvilfire

i was wondering if anyone has any info and how high of a chimney i would need to get a draft. i just need to get the smoke out of my face (and more importantly, my lungs), and have it vent somewhere above me. any idea what the minimum height would need to be for a 10-12" pipe?

obviously, it can't be too tall as it will be unsupported...i'll just have it welded or screwed to my forge which is made of steel plate. it's pretty heavy but i'm not sure it'll support a hood of much more 5-6 feet tall, including the chimney.

basically, i'm planning on welding together the hood/box from 1/16" steel plate and attaching 10 or 12" chimney pipe to it.

any and all info/suggestions appreciated. thanks!

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on my demo forge I used only 2 pieces of 3 foot sections of 8 inch stove pipe and it drew well, you may need to rig up a wind shield that can be positioned at one side as a strong crosswind will blow the smoke and fumes away from the side draft opening if it is strong. Just be careful when making the opening in the bottom section as if it is too large it won't suck. Its a lot easier to make the opening bigger than it is to make it smaller.

BP0460 Anatomy of a Forge Flue

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