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I Forge Iron

I'm a journeyman from england going to be traveling the usa anyone interested

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greeting everyone im a journey smith from england my names matthew garton im planning on touring the u s a at the end of the spring start of the summer wondered if anyone would be looking for a spare pair of hands to work in the shop 


ive been forging full time for 5 years trained in hereford and received my bachelor of art in artist blacksmithing work for alot of smith in england and europe im currently in canada working and i am going to be journeying thorough the u s a around april through to the summer 


ive attached a few images of some of my work and one of me 



message me if your keen or you know anyone who might be 


thnaks alot 


happy forging !






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What part of Canada are you in currently?  I am in central NY, which in not far from most of Ontario and Western Quebec.  As you travel think about offering to demonstrate at local and regional Blacksmith's organization meetings.  The Adirondack chapter of the New York State Designer Blacksmiths frequently meets near Odgensburg, NY.  That may be close enough for you to come for a day trip.  Demonstrating may be a way to travel for free, get lodging for a week at a time, and make a money for travel expenses.


I am a professional Blacksmith that does historic and restoration work in a Museum.  Many Blacksmiths in the U.S. are serious hobbyists.  Your formal training will be appreciated by the folks you visit.  On the East Coast there are many kinds and varieties of Blacksmithing, but much of it is rooted in American Colonial style.  That is much different than your Art training.  There will things that you can demonstrate that may seem ordinary to you but that are new to the audience!


Finally, keep in touch.  I can connect you with my local groups.  I also work at The Farmers' Museum in Cooperstown.  I could talk to my boss about a short "Visiting Smith" internship.  It would probably only provide lodging for a week or two.  You would work in our historic shop with me.  You could probably also sell some small custom work at the same time.  We often have visitors looking for door latch repairs and garden art.  But it would give you a base for a little while!


Best wishes!


Steve Kellogg

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Have you been in  contact with Jake James in Vancouver BC? He's a dandy smith and a great fellow. If you get down to the Northwest USA you should log on to NWBA (Northwest Blacksmith Blacksmith Association)beforehand and put up this same post. There are GREAT blacksmiths in that area...

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If you are ever down South you are more than welcome to come to Tannehill Ironworks State Park and the Tannehill Forge School of Blacksmithing. We are in McCalla Alabama and offer a visiting artist program. You receive no money but, If you work certain number of hours a week for the Forge you can have free use of the Blacksmith's shop and foundry as well as free room and board. You can sell anything you make on your own time for extra money... Let me know if you are interested 

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