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I Forge Iron

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I am new to this.  Today I made my first tool and forge weld.  Took an old farrier rasp, cut off the tang, drew out a tail and forge welded the eye to make this little froe.  It seems to have held I torqued the handle pretty good testing it.  Would be better if I had some more thickness but I was able to get a wedge profile.  Something besides tongs and hooks at least my wife said.



Yeah!  That is a good looking "Basketmaker's Froe"  (we pros prefer NOT to call em light duty or wimpy).  I like to have one like that in my carpentry kit for making shimming wedges and spacers.  They work well for lots of uses.  You got a pretty one!  Now you need a heavy duty full sized one as a companion piece... I know!  I know!  You will be devastated to learn that you aren't done forging yet!!!  But there it is... a pretty froe like that will be abused on heavier work than it is intended for... unless there is a heavy duty model also available... so back to the forge you go!  :)

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