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I Forge Iron

First Smithing Creation


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I started this about a week ago, and spent about a week before that just tinkering around with a the hammer and anvil, getting used to how metal moves.  Anyways, after seeing all the beautiful knives on here and around the web, I figured I'd give bladesmithing a shot with just what I had around.  I forged it out of scrap steel bar that I found, which spark-tested as high carbon steel.  Quenched in motor oil, and triple-tempered.  I used an old bench grinder for, well, grinding, and did the filing and sanding by hand.  The handle was made out of a piece of 2x4 I found lying in my garage, and I painted it with the first suitable paint I found because the wood itself was very ugly.

I started out thinking of making a sgian dubh, but once I started I just kind of went with it (I apologize for the crappy picture):






Any constructive input is greatly appreciated by this newbie.  It was a real fun thing to do, and I'm already thinking of what to try next  :D.  Any recommendations?



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Lol, you've gotten started the way most of us did.  Take a mystery metal, form it into a knife shaped object, glue a handle on.  The best thing to do is use what you make.  You can always tell when someone makes something and never uses what they make.  You'll find that just glueing the handle will not hold (yeah, I found that out the hard way).  You'll want to get known metals (I would suggest old files since you can work the hard and temper them after) or buy some fresh steel.  You'll burn up a lot of grinding wheels and if the bug has bit you bad enough you'll get a belt grinder and go through belts.  Looking forward to seeing your progress.  There are lots of opinions and tastes, wade through and work out your own style.

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Ahhh, you're totally screwed now! There is no known cure for the disease which you are about to embark upon. This is one of those in for a penny, in for a pound avocations. Heat treating will most likely become your cursor after you master some basics. Welcome aboard!  You're off to a good adventure with like minded folks.


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Thanks for the replies!  I'm going to  try a drawknife next, I think, as it will be useful to me and likely get plenty of use.  I'm also going to look around for belt sanders, and find someplace near to by known steel.

I look forward to diving further into bladesmithing!

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