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I Forge Iron

What angles for a sabre grind.


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just grind it until it looks right to your eye. If you are making a blade that is 1" wide and 1/4" thick then the angle for a 2/4 height grind will be different to that on a 3/4 height on a 2" wide 3/16" thick blade.


Draw the position of teh top of the grind line on your blade and remove everything beneath it ;)

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It might help youi to look at the blade making tutorials we posted in  the knfe section of the site,,there  are quitee a few there and I think it is one of the early ones. They begin at 101 and run up. We show most of the grinds in pictures or drawings. and include how to achieve them with basic tools.

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Sorry but I can't find any information on what's a good angle ratio for this type of grind I really just like to know a few bits of specific information that all I'm asking. I want to know what exactly is the secondary bevel on a sabre grind and a good angle ratio (primary and secondary bevel) for a knife with a sabre grind and 2/4 to 3/4 inch grind height and about 1/4 of an inch thick. I know the tips and all that kind of stuff is well intended but it really isn't what I'm in need of since I got everything else set up. And good to the eye isn't my style I'd like it to be great at microscopic view since I'm using a jig so I need angle ratio and data.


- David

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Since wot I posted in the blade making section, I had had  hoped that the part about checking angles with a black marker and a file on items that you like would be of value. I wrote that particularly for folks that do not have the eye or experince to do wot they wish. And you could check those angles with a jig.

If you will be making more blades like this I believe you will find that after a hundred or so they do get easier.

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if you are using ajusteble jig, you can start by 45° and see that is to steep so then you cut that in half or 22.5° if you still think that is not enough you change again and agin until you are happy then you wright that number and the thikness of the material dovn. there you are set on that thikness of steel then you repeat it for another thikness and so until you have built your own database!!!


you cant ask other what you will be happy with

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Alpha in that tutorial I drew cross sections of blades with several different grinds. And I mentioned that i leave about a pennies thickness on the edge before heat treat,,,,using your size of stock and how far up you wish the grind to be you should be able to compute the angles for the primary grind..The secondary is up to you,,that angle has a lot to do with the intended use of the blade,,maybe 35 to 45 for a hacking edge,,15 for a real fine edge thatg may not hold up depending upon the steel and the heat treat done.

And also keep in mind that a jug may be real hard to use on a blade with a curved cutting edge,,It may work well for a wharncliff style blade.

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