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I Forge Iron

Hello from upstate New York


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     I just wanted to say Hi.  My name is Bruce.  I am 30, and I have always found blacksmithing to be very interesting.  I enjoy watching demos where ever they might be.  I am a heavy equipment mechanic and welder by trade.  I have been a member over at weldingweb for a while now, and there have been recently there have been several related posts, that made me realize how simple it could be to get into this.  I had always thought of a forge as a large, stone, beast.  

     I have built a "redneck" coal forge, just to try.  http://weldingweb.com/showthread.php?t=212671  

I have not done anything with it yet other then heat up 1 piece of threaded rod to prove it worked.  I think it is going to turn from a brake rotor to a drum forge.  I don't have much time to use it right now, between work and trying to get walls on my garage, nor do I have an anvil yet.  I enjoy this forum.  There are many talented people here.  I am hoping to get some training this summer.  I live about 45 min to 1 hr from Cooper's Town, and there is a farmer's museum there, and I read that they do 2 day classes in the summer.

    I don't see this being anything more then a hobby, but I think it is an art from times past, and I would like to learn it.   Thank you for what you do here.



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Welcome Bruce, you have found the right place. You don't need any thing more than an old top roller from a dozer under carriage for an anvil. I started with a 24 inch piece of railroad rail. These items are not perfect but they are solid and will get you started. Hope to see some work soon.

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Welcome aboard Bruce, glad to have you. If you'll put your general location in your header you may be pleasantly surprised to discover how many IFI guys are within easy visiting distance.


Seeing as you're lucky enough to live reasonably close to Stewart I'm almost hesitant to say how easy it should be for a heavy duty mechanic to come up with an anvil. Next time you R&R a largish broken axle take the flange end home and set it flange up in a bucket of concrete and there you are an anvil. you may need to trim it to a proper working height depending on where it broke but that's a detail. One of my best ever field expedient anvils was an axle I fished out of the Resurrection River, I wish I'd packed it out with us.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I checked with my wife, and the town is Warren Center.  I checked out your page earlier, how often do you do seminars, and what do you charge?  I snagged a couple heavier pieces of steel from work today to use as anvils.  I sill don't see myself having much time right now.  I have a 30 x 40 shop out back that needs walls.

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Welcome to the craft! It may be a useful addition to your welding knowledge. You will probably be able to build a lot of your own tools as you get started. I am the Blacksmith at The Farmers's Museum in Cooperstown. The museum is closed right now, but reopens in March on Sundays for our Maple Sugaring and Pancake Breakfasts. I'll be in the shop every Sunday in March, and will start having two day classes then too.

There are a number of smiths throughout the Mohawk Valley, both hobbyists and professionals. You are not alone in the craft! There are great resources and ideas here on this site as well.

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    Thank you.  I look forward to meeting you this spring / summer.  Since you are the closest blacksmith I have met, so far, let me ask you, where do you get your coal from?  right now I am using anthracite from the local hard ware store.  I have not found any place near by that sells bituminous coal.  I am not opposed to buying a few hundred pounds bulk, but at this point, I am not looking for tons.

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We sell good bituminous from the Blacksmith Shop. Aubuchon Hardware stores will also special order it by the bag for you. There are some in the area, but I don't know how far they are from you. Other Blacksmiths may sell you a bucket too. Michael McCarthy in Ames may have coal to sell.

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When you order it bulk, does it get trucked right out of PA?  I have seen Aubuchon's web page, and have one not to far off my daily travels.  It is a little over twice the price I am buying anthracite for.  Is it worth the extra $$?  I have not done much yet.  I have only lit my forge twice.

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