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I Forge Iron

Top Prices for anvils

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We may be seeing what the current market is able to sustain in terms of prices for even exceptional anvils. You may have noticed on ebay that few of Matchless Antiques anvils 

have reached the reserve price. Here is an example- http://www.ebay.com/itm/BEAUTIFUL-189-lb-HAY-BUDDEN-BLACKSMITH-ANVIL-Forge-Iron-/110996800961?ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:US:1123 His anvils are terrific and I'd love to have some or even one of the really big ones but I'm just not made out of money.


It may still get to the reserve but I'm assuming that when shipping costs are added in it sort of throws a wet blanket on the potential purchasers fire. What I'm getting to is that perhaps we will start to see some reasonableness come back into the pricing for everyday anvils especially for the newbies hunting for usable anvils.

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That would be nice. I have to admit that the ebay prices are more than I am willing to shell out at the moment, and I even live close enough to matchless antiques to be able to drive there and pick one up. At least there is some good lessons and satisfaction to be had in shaping a rr track anvil.

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I will say that it's definite sign that the state of the economy isn't as horrible as we're led to believe by the media. 


I also believe that there is a lot of validity in your thought process. People are starting to see the value of anvils, and saturating the market... Societies tunnelvision adheres to the value of the dollar as opposed to some lifeless lump of wrought iron and steel that's been in the barn unused for 30+ years... I've been using the TPAAAT in this semester's classroom introductions, where while introducing myself to class state that I'm in pursuit of an anvil... My second class introduction today, and someone piped up with a "Aren't anvils worth like... 500 dollars???", and then another piggybacked on that, then another... So, even within the nether-regions of USF, people see the value of anvils... If the market becomes saturated, prices will fall due to demand (not a very big population of us even when accounting for collectors).... common people aren't going to sit on these things for another 30 years, they will just succumb to being johnny-come-lately's and get what $$ they can out of their anvils... WE WIN!!!

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