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I Forge Iron

Basic projects for a demonstration?

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I have been teaching a basic blacksmithing class at a school for 6,7 and 8th graders at a school for 2 years now 1hr. long twice a week. At first I had grand ideas of all the neat simple projects we could make. I very quickly realized the hand eye cordination we all have developed over the years, these kids do not have. Just let them heat and beat some metal anyway they want. They will get a big kick out of it. I have found on average it can take 2 to 4 hours for them to learn just how to point, and draw a taper, then cut it off on a hardy.

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I've made giant wall hooks out of those giant nails before. Upset the point, punch a hole, curve it so the head is up and the throat is fairly generous, and you have a great garage organizer that guys like because they look like a large nail!

Good for coat racks, too.

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  • 11 months later...

Figured I would revive this thread, next week I'm going to be demonstrating for a big event up in Portland for 2 days and this will be my first time ever doing it. Looking forward to it and trying my best to prepare as much as I can ahead of time for what I can make and sell while I'm there. Planning on doing the usual S hooks, drive hooks and some split crosses. Horseshoe hearts and horsehead stuff. going to make several roses too.

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