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I Forge Iron

All hands meet with Artist Blacksmith David Robertson

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Anyone is welcome to come up for the all hands meet, we have a guest presenter coming in from Ontarion Canada, David Robertson. He will also be holding a special class on Monday and Tuesday. It will be held at The Arc and Flame Center on Manitou Road in Rochester NY. The stewpot will be full, the iron in the hat table will be fantastic as always, and the new teaching center is something to see!
feel free to contact me with any questions:
[email protected]

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Had a really nice meet and greet potluck last night, David Robertson was my first blacksmith instructor so it was great to spend some time with him again. He will be the featured smith today and tomorrow, demonstrating organic forging. I woke up at 3:30 and could not get back to sleep, ohboyohboyohboy!!

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I highly recommend David Robertson as a guest demonstrator, he has a really great demeanor and logical progression of techniques, one built upon the next. He showed us so many variations of organic forging my mind is reeling and my hands are itching to get at it!! A great 3 days of observation.

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