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I Forge Iron

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Recently, while I was in the chatroom, a youngster questioned me if I have a starter anvil that I am willing to sell. I replied in the affirmative. I have a beautiful, sharp edged acme hay budden that I bought in 1977. I bought it years ago because the edges were sharp and it rang like a bell. Being spoiled by owning five hay buddens over 250 lbs, I never even struck a blow on this anvil in 35 years, so it is still in pristine condition, if a bit rusty from lack of use. It weighs 120 lbs., which is a good starter anvil for a teenager. Because he is a youngster, I am only charging 350 dollars plus shipping. If I put it up on ebay, with sharp edges like this, and no belly on the face, it would probably sell for 8 dollars a pound, if I sandblasted it or wire brushed it. If he doesn't buy this bargain by sunday, I am going to repost it in the tailgating section!




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While it is more than I paid for my anvil, that anvil looks just about perfect. Except for the rust which is easy to fix with a wire brush and an oil rag, kinda like giving a car a wash.

My anvil has rather busted up edges and was welded on the face (not a repair).


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Very nice anvil Stewart, it's good to see you helping a beginner, here's hoping he's got his head where the sun shines.

My favorite and most used is a 125 Soderfors, it's ideal for portability and large enough to get serious on.

Frosty The Lucky.

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