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I Forge Iron

an old one

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well ive been looking for a old anvil to grace the blacksmiths booth at the renaissance fare ... found this 5th foot anvil on ebay and had to have it! its not perfect but its not that bad and the price was reasonable... its also seen many years... it will be a honor to hammer on this as who knows how many generations of blacksmiths have....post-3127-0-87955000-1334588133_thumb.jp

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Wow a RenFair anvil that actually passes for a renaissance anvil! I'm *impressed*! (I was looking through the hausbuchs lately and spoted several that were very close to that one!)

Looks like most of the face is gone---will you be repairing or just using it judiciously?

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Wow a RenFair anvil that actually passes for a renaissance anvil! I'm *impressed*! (I was looking through the hausbuchs lately and spoted several that were very close to that one!)

Looks like most of the face is gone---will you be repairing or just using it judiciously?

not sure yet... when it actually gets here ile decide... it looks like there is enuf face that is flat enuf but wont know till its in my hands...gona hafta make a stake anvil for a horn ... no harty hole so have to do sumthin for a replacement ... any ideas?
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oho i can build the stake ... just wondered if there was documented hearty holders ... was thinking of maybe a seperate stump with holder for a horn stake and various other hearty tools to fit into .. probably rig up a something even if its not quite period...got to be better than anything ive seen at ren fares...

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I was wondering about taking a RR fish plate and flipping it upside down and seating it on a stump (rout out a square and then do a pass or two to let the raised ridges fit down and the surface be flat.)

and then drilling the stump with round holes under the Sq holes in the fish plate and then burning them square to make a sort of armoured hardy tool holder.

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