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I Forge Iron

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I've had this one for about 40 years. (I bought it in northern New Jersey.) No makers' marks that I can see. Weighs 52 lb., rings like a bell, powerful rebound.

You can see in the one pic where there are four rivets that probably held a nameplate. It was missing when I got the anvil.

Any idea what make it is ?

Thanks... PeteH


Long horn, rings like a bell, seperate top plate. I'd say its a Trenton. Look for numbers on the front of the foot under the horn.


Here's the bottom view -- it's the anvil on the left. (The one on the right is the ugly Vulcan I'd asked about a week or two back.) Hence the "Beauty and the Beast" caption.

Thanks... PeteH



Caplet indentation, IIRC that's generally a Trenton, (can't recall if it's Trenton or Arm & Hammer without looking it back up in Anvils in America; but they were both anvils made in Columbus Ohio and sometimes may have shared their steel base castings back and forth) Either one is a top brand!


Thanks, all...

I checked again for numbers (red-faced, they were there, all right) and on the front (horn-side) foot, I see 50 (the weight) 1 (blurry) and then 64694.

I used this one for about 10-15 years, then circumstances forced me to stop doing this stuff. Now I'm gearing up for it again. Nice to confirm that it's a good one.

Thanks again... PeteH

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