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I Forge Iron

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Thought I would post a few pics of a candle bra design I am busy experimenting with.


The "legs" - 20 mm square bar


Center piece in the forge (my new soon to be changed again oil forge)


Cntr piece and legs joined - cntr piece split - legs split and drifted - cntr piece wire wrapped to legs


Side candle holders joined with wire wrap


Almost done - just trying to decide on a wood or steel base - then wire brush, color with wood stain while hot and clear coat.

Comments and critique welcome - that's how I learn


wow, I thought, this should be different, was thinking i was going to see a candle bra... (rather than a candelabra....) :)

Interesting design, I would have made it with three legs so it could stand on its own.


Spell check can be a problem sometimes, so I left it as a "eye catcher" - who am I kidding? this is what happens when you trust a PC!


As Colleen said, very interesting. I like the basic idea. But I, too, would have used a three legged design and made it free standing. You have done a very good job of getting your basic idea into the actual piece. Good job. Thanks for sharing. :)

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