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I Forge Iron

My zero training knife!


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This is my first knife. I am having a great time figuring out what end of the hammer to hold because have no formal training at all, whatsoever.



After using a wire attachment on my angle grinder, I progressively sanded it to a 120 grit finish. I haven’t tried to put an edge on it yet. Blacksmithing has quickly become one of my favorite weekend pastimes! Everything I learned about this art I learned from books (20%) and YouTube (80%). I did this as a first project after watching a few youtube videos and deciding to make a forge and try it. Once I told my friends that I wanted to try Blacksmithing, they started dropping off all kinds of odd pieces of metal along with railroad spikes. I have no idea why my friends just randomly have railroad spikes, but then again I am not going to ask. I have heeded the warnings and not tried to pick up spikes near a train yard.

I just posted a short write up on the RR Spike Anvil I made, so feel free to take a look a that if you are interested.

I appreciate any constructive criticism and advice.


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Welcome to the addiction, and good first effort.

Any "first" is better than nothing. "First" means you've quit talking and thinking about it and have started doing it.

Now, if you're serious, find some good instruction. Get with some local smiths and learn. Ask around this forum... I'm sure threre are some smiths and groups in the Vegas area.

Books are good if they are good books. Iforge is a good place to get recommendations.

There is some excellet stuff on YouTube, but there is a ton of junk. Be discerning. At best you can learn wrong information; at worst you can get hurt. Any idiot can post a video, and many have. Again, Iforge is a good place to check references. You'll find that some of our regulars on here have posted some great YouTubes.

Good luck and stay at it.

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All done! The blade and pommel have been sanded to 300 grit. I may go as high as 600. The sheath is leather with stainless steel grommets alternated with leather laces. The grommets add some bling and shine to it as well as make certain that it holds together no mater what. The leather laces allow me to run my belt through them to carry it. I wear it at the small of my back, the blade is 4 inches long. Its about 7 inches total. The reason I named it Zero Training is partially after Zero Wolf, played by Raoul Trujillo. I liked the way he would draw his obsidian knife from the sheath so I had that in mind with this one. Zero Wolf is from the movie Apocalypto -> http://i58.photobuck...80220151134.jpg , http://i58.photobuck...80220151634.jpg & http://t3.gstatic.co...ffcitFcB7VTqmn9


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