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Toby Hickman Power Hammer Clinic in Loomis, Ca. (Sacramento, Ca. area)

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I want to let everyone know about the upcoming Toby Hickman Power Hammer Clinic put on by the California Blacksmiths Association!

There is still one slot available for a participant and several places available for those who want to watch. I was an observer last year and felt I got way more than my moneys worth. This year, lunch is included in the price. I also said for the next clinic I want to work on the hammer!!! Toby is a master on the power hammer. He will go over the "hit-Turn" method and various tooling. I don't know what all he will cover but last years participants went home with several tools and a wealth of knowledge. Not to be missed if you have or are in the market for a power hammer! John's shop is worth the visit in itself. He has coal and coke too.
Hope to see you there!
Here are the specs.

CBA Education Presents Toby Hickman Power Hammer Workshop Part 2



February 18, 19 2012 8:30am to 5:00pm

Come and be part of the action as CBA education brings back Toby Hickman's Power Hammer Workshop Part 2.

Toby will be teaching hand held tooling, open dies, snap dies and hit turn forging.

There will be three power hammers in use.

Workshop will be limited to 10 working students $ 225 for two days - Part 1 students receive first chance to register.

Lots of room for nonparticipating students $50 for two days.

Education Team will be making lunch.

Check out the CBA Education Youtube channel video of last years part 1 workshop to see what you missed! https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/859e1548854341aa9fccaa4000d4cc18 CBA Power Hammer Clinic with Toby Hickman Part 1

Location: John Mc Lellan's Blacksmith Shop 6961 Horseshoe Bar Road Loomis, CA. 95650

Registration opens Jan 16, 2012 - Closes Feb 13,2012

To register e-mail - Dennis Dusek and Peter Clark at[email protected]

California Blacksmith Association
4747Vine Hill Rd.
Sebastopol CA 95472-2236

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Just got off the phone with Dennis about the Toby Hickman clinic this weekend- We still have 4 spots for watcher to come and learn some techniques on a power hammer and make tooling. Toby is a master on the power hammer. There are going to be 5 hammers running so there will plenty of space for people to watch from. Lunch will be provided as long as we know you are coming!

Hope to see you there!

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