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I Forge Iron

Oklahoma Coal

Ron Hicks

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Made it back from Oklahoma with the coal , It came from Craig County.
I think the Kelley Mine , man was that place busy.
I forgot to take my camera , mountains of coal, one after another trucks haulin coal, I had a hard time getting on the scales to weigh.

I dont know much about coal,this is what I picked out.
I had a good load on my pickup 1580 pounds.
I burned a shovel full - cokes good but havent forged with it yet
Hows it look


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It LOOKS like the coal I burn... I get my coal relatively locally (within an hour of home) and it is pocahontas vein that has been trucked in. As the gas prices go up, so does the shipping. Unfortunately it is really great coal and after using it I would hate to use anything else. They pulled me in and trapped me :) Looks good though. How did the truck ride?? It's good that you could get it straight from the mine. I am sure it saved on shipping considerably.
-Aaron @ the SCF

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I think I had a little more weight on my pickup than I should, but it wasnt bad . I just took it easy and took my time.

I was told by a local blacksmith it was good stuff but he had not tried any yet. I have looked on the net. trying to find some info. about NE OKlahoma coal havent found much other than its "High Volatile - Middle Pennsylvanian age bituminous coal ".
THis came from NE Oklahoma
Phoenix Coal Sales - Vinita Ok
Kelley Mine # 4270
It was $ 75 a ton - 1580 pounds was $ 59.25
I read some where they sell it by the bag but the price was like 4 X higher than bulk.
They had different sizes , I liked how the stuff I burnt last night coked and broke up.
I might be a good idea to have like a Coal Suppliers List:)
Im going to try it out today
I had a good trip and seen some new country

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It looks better than the coal I bought there in 1986 - that was in Stigler, OK, which I recall was also near AR. Mine cokes well and is very hot but makes a nasty clinker. I am used to it by now but have also had several smiths demo at my shop over the years and they could use it but the fire has to be cleaned at least once an hour - more if you are welding. Twenty years ago, I recall it was $35 a ton at the mine but with gas and other expenses, my 4 tons cost about $120 a ton to get it back to San Antonio.

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  • 2 years later...

Phoenix Coal
Vinita, Oklahoma
918-256-7873 ask for Charlan to make sure they have some on site.
Hours 0730/1700 m-f

Stoker/low sulfer/bituminous.
$125 a ton picked up at the scales.
They will load with a loader.

I was looking for stoker coal and found this site with a google search. I followed up on Ron's information (thanks Ron!) and phoned them. I registered on here just to give Ron's thread an update.

I will post this info on the Coal Suppliers thread as well.

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